Team Registrations

We have been swamped with nearly 250 team nominations for our upcoming Summer Football comp, which was way more than we could accommodate.  Unable to secure additional field allocations means we had a waiting list of 46 teams! The best we could do was to add an additional round to the comp, start games a little bit earlier in the day, and finish a little bit later in the evening.  This has allowed us to include 28 teams from that waiting list while still ensuring all teams get a minimum of 16 scheduled games.  

Instead of the originally planned start date of 18th October, we will now be kicking-off on Tuesday 11th October.  The first games of the day will start at 4pm and the last games will finish at 9:15pm..

Player Registrations

Nearly all players have registered but we need every one your listed players to be registered BEFORE uniform pickup.  Any players not registered by that time won’t be issued a uniform and won’t be able to participate in the first-round games.


There are nine time slots in which the games are played. Below are the kick-off times for each of those nine time slots and the likely age groups that will play in them. For those who haven’t played in our Summer Football comp, we run with military precision, so please make sure you have your team organised ready to play at the assigned field and time. 

Time Age Groups
4:00 pm U6 – U7
4:33 pm U6 – U9
5:06 pm U8 – U10
5:41 pm U10 – U12
6:17 pm U12 – U14
6:53 pm U12 – U14
7:29 pm U14 – U16
8:05 pm U16 – U18, O35
8:41 pm O35

Each game will have halves of 16.5 minutes with a one-minute break between halves.  There is a two-minute break between games. The first two time slots of the day have 15 and 16 minutes halves respectively to account for our youngest players playing on big fields at the hotter times of the day.


The draw will be published on the Club’s website the Sunday evening before the Tuesday the games are to be played. Any teams with a bye will be noted at the bottom of the draw. 

Uniform Pickup

Uniforms will be available for collection from our Hews Pde clubhouse on Friday 7th October, between 6.30 – 8pm and Saturday 8th October between 9-10.30am. Only one person (does not need to be Team Manager) is to pick up the uniforms on behalf of the team. Individual uniforms will not be handed out. Sizes will be as per your submitted Team Sheet so please ensure you hand out the correct sizes to the correct player, as we can not exchange shirt sizes due to you ordering or handing out the incorrect size.