Hi Everyone,
I hope that you all had a safe and happy Christmas and New Year’s.
Registrations for the 2023 Winter Season will open online on Monday 9th January 2023.
Before registering online please go to our registration page for information on how to register and carefully read all of the instructions.
Getting your registration correct the first time eliminates the need for our volunteer committee members to spend a lot of time correcting errors.
If you have played previously, please do not create a new PlayFootball account/profile. If you cannot remember your login details, then please contact the PlayFootball Support team on 02 8880 7983 and they will be able to help you.
We need everyone registered before grading starts on 4th February 2023.
I look forward to seeing you soon at either Summer Football at Lionel Watts, Twilight Football at Hews Parade or at Grading at Lionel Watts.