Registration FAQ's


What is the minimum playing age and how do age groups work?

  • Eligibility to play in any age limited competitions is determined by the player’s age in the current football year. The minimum age for any player is that they must be turning five (5) years old in the current football year.
  • A player may not play in any match for a team whose assigned Age Group is more than two years above the player’s True Age Group unless the player has gained MWFA Approval.

My child has a group of friends they would like to play with. Can they be grouped together?

  • For the age groups U6 – U8, we try to group friends together where numbers allow, however as they progress through we do start to group players in terms of ability, to give them to best chance to grow and develop their football skills and enjoyment. If you would like your child to play with a certain group of other children, please add this information during the registration process or contact your Vice President.

Where do I get uniforms from?

  • Your team manager will be allocated a kit containing team jerseys once teams have been formed. These are to be returned at the end of the season.
  • Any players newly registering with the club in the age groups U6 – U8 will receive a free pair of shorts and socks. To make distribution of these easier, they will be given to your team manager, along with the rest of the team kit.
  • If you need to purchase shorts, socks or any other Wakehurst merchandise, our clubhouse at Hews Pde is open every Friday night from 6.30pm – 8pm. For more information on prices click here.

Dual Registrations

  • Dual registration applies to girls and women who wish to register in both a Saturday mixed team and a Sunday Ladies competition. To dual register players must first register for the Saturday mixed competition as your primary registration.
  • If you have any questions regarding dual registration, please contact the relevant age Vice President

Season dates

  • For information regarding our season dates please click here


Pre-Season Games

  • Some Wakehurst teams will play pre-season games during March. Your Team Manager will notify you of dates and fields prior to the game.

Player Development

  • In 2023, Wakehurst will continue with previous years format for the Junior Mixed Development Program, in conjunction with FDA. For more information, please click here.  
  • We are also excited to announce that we will be launching some development opportunities for our Junior Womens teams/players. For more information, please click here. 

Team Coaches and Manager

  • Most of our Team Coaches & Managers are parent volunteers who generously give their time. If you are interested in either of these roles for your team, please contact your Vice President. 
  • Every team must have a registered Coach and Manager in order to start the season. For more information on what each role involves, please click here for Coaches and click here for Managers.
  • All Team Coaches & Managers must have a valid WWCC and register via the Play Football website.

Who do I contact with any questions?

  • Once you have been allocated a team, most questions are best directed to your Team Coach/Manager in the first instance. Our Coachs and Managers have access to a number of useful resources and for the majority of the time, will have an answer or be able to find one for you.
  • If your question is more specific and requires the involvement of the club, please contact your age Vice PresidentIf you do not get the support or answers you are looking for from your Vice President then please contact the President. Please do not contact the MWFA directly.

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