Hello Everyone,
As the start of the football season nears I thought it would be helpful to remind everyone about the following issues.
The NSW Government announced some significant changes to the COVID-Safe restrictions last week.
These have a positive effect on our COVID-Safe plans and requirements.
To ensure that we have a full, COVID-19 free season we need everyone to comply with COVID-19 Safe requirements which include:-
Respect for Referees and Good Sideline Behaviour
The incidence of Referee abuse and bad spectator behaviour is still a problem at some MWFA games.
Referee abuse MUST STOP and sideline behaviour MUST IMPROVE.
Wakehurst FC is a club:-
In becoming a member of Wakehurst FC you have all agreed to meet these standards.
Players, Coaches & Managers can be suspended for long periods and teams can lose competition points for bad behaviour of players, officials, parents & spectators.
Please do not be the person that causes a team to lose hard won completion points or in the worst case to be expelled from their competition.
The MWFA has expelled a number of teams from their competition over the last two years as a result of both poor player and poor spectator behaviour.
If you are not happy with the performance of a Referee then your ONLY options are:-
Under NO circumstances are you to talk to the Referee or Assistant Referees about their performance either before the game, during the game, at half time or at the end of the game.
I want football at Wakehurst FC to be a safe and enjoyable experience for all participants including Referees, Players, Coaches, Managers, Parents & Spectators.
I trust that I can count on all Wakehurst FC members to make sure that this is the case.
There are over 19,000 players in the Manly Warringah Football Association (MWFA) and Wakehurst FC will have more than 1,600 players this year.
With this number of people involved we need clear and simple rules on lines of communication for players, coached & managers, parents and all Wakehurst FC members.
For team related issues your first point of contact is your team’s Coach or Manager.
If you have an issue with your Coach or Manager or other football related issues then please contact your Age Group Vice President.
If you do not get the support or answers you are looking for from your Vice President then please contact me.
Caroline Musik and myself are Wakehurst FC’s Member Protection Information Officers (MPIO).
MPIO’s are you first point of contact if you need to discuss a problem or are considering making a formal complaint. We can provide information and guidance our on complaint handling procedures and options.
For any Child Protection related issues I am your FIRST and ONLY point of contact.
If you are not satisfied with the answers I give you or the support that I provide then you can contact the MWFA.
The MWFA will only directly address concerns from a parent or player after they have been through the lines of communication specified above.
2021 Season
I hope that you all have a very enjoyable season.
I look forward to seeing you all at Lionel Watts, Ararat Reserve and Hews Parade soon.