Notice of Annual General Meeting 2022

Notice is hereby given that the fifty fourth Annual General Meeting of the Wakehurst Football
Club Incorporated will be held at the Belrose Hotel on Wednesday 23 rd November 2022
commencing at 7.00pm.

The order of business will be: –
1. Apologies
2. Minutes of 2021 Annual General Meeting
3. Special Presentations
4. Notices of Motion for Alteration of Constitution and By-Laws
5. Presentation of Annual Report for Adoption
6. Presentation of Financial Report for Adoption
7. Declaration of Results of Election for all Officers
8. Election of Patrons
9. Election of Auditor
10. Election of Public Officer
11. Election of Life Member(s)
12. General Business

By order of the Committee 2022
WFC Secretary

Note 1 Your attention is drawn to Clause 12(c) of the Rules of the Club which requires any
Special Resolution to amend, add to or delete from the Rules of the Club are to be
submitted to the Secretary at least twenty-one (21) days before the date of the Annual
General Meeting.

Note 2 Your attention is drawn to Clause 6(b) of the Rules of the Club which requires any
nomination for Life Membership are to be submitted to the Secretary at least twenty one
(21) days before the date of the Annual General Meeting.