Football Injuries

Football is the largest participation sport in Australia and indeed the world.  During the course of play, football players accelerate, decelerate, jump, cut, pivot, turn, head and kick the ball.  This sport places many demands on the technical and physical skills of the player and, as a result, injuries can and do occur.   In Australia, 89% of adult and 59% of child football injuries occur during organised competition and practice.  

Injury risk during games tends to be 3-4 times higher than risk in practice.  Overall, football injuries are mostly sprains, strains, fractures, bruising, muscle tendon injury and abrasions.  Adult football players most often sustain injuries to the lower limbs, followed by the upper limbs and the head.  Child injury is most often to the upper limbs, lower limbs and the head.  Lower limb injuries are often the result of contact with another player, eg being kicked or collisions, and are mostly to the ankle and knee.   

Head injury is associated with heading the ball, being struck by a ball kicked at high speed and as the result of head to head contact.  Falls, over-exertion, overuse and being struck by the ball are other common injury. 

Ensure all injured football players receive adequate treatment and full rehabilitation before they resume play.  

Many injuries can be prevented by conducting loosening up and stretching exercises prior to a game.  

As many supporters as possible are encouraged to have some First Aid training. St. John Ambulance (9821-4045), for example, runs a basic 6 hour course, “Introduction to First Aid”. First Aid training is a valuable tool, not only for sport, but also at home and in the workplace. 

Those who have attended any First Aid course would know about the ‘DRABC’ system.  After checking for any potential (D)anger to yourself, check the (R)esponse of the patient by talking to them and, if found to be unconscious, check that the (A)irway is not blocked, that the person is (B)reathing and has a (C)irculation (Pulse).  A person laid flat on their back and who is unconscious has the potential to block their airway with their tongue. The simple precaution of laying them on their side and lifting their chin can greatly assist in reducing the risks.

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Insurance claim forms must reach the insurance company within 60 days of the injury. If they are received late they will not be paid. This is a condition of the policy!! 

The insurance claim form is a legal document and false declaration can result in legal implications for both the individual and Club. 

Refer to Club Documents for further insurance information. 

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